hi peeps!
just wanna say that i've changed my blog!
my blogger page has been drivin' me crazy, so decided to use tumblr instead =)
it's seriously better! HAHAHAHAHA!

Stepping Out.
decided to blog before continue doing my econs hw.. =.=
didn't know that blogger now seems so complicated; must use HTML codes to change the font colour and size! -.-
should i change to livejournal instead? LOL.
well, my previous post was kinda very EMO.
glad that i'm soooooo much better now :))
first and foremost, i wanna thank God for the word shared during ytd's cgm..
even during worship, i felt convicted myself while i was playing the guit..
"Why did you doubt God?"
this phrase has been recurring in my mind since then..
i feel strongly in my heart that this is a test from God; to test the faith that i have in Him..
at times, you just feel that everything is within your control..
but until when you are finally worn out, you know that you are actually NOT depending on Him at all..
through all these, i believe that i'm going on to a whole new level!
"God, I do not want to stay within my comfort zone anymore. Let me step out!!"
it's gonna be tough, REALLY tough! (92 more days!!!!!!!)
but i wanna choose to be strong: mentally, physically and spiritually!! :)
wanna share the word that was preached ytd.. enjoy!
5 Things that will Happen when Heaven Opens over Us
1. When heaven is opened, we receive dreams and visions.
2. When heaven is opened, the Holy Spirit can move freely among us.
3. When heaven is opened, God's power will be there to heal.
4. When heaven is opened, righteousness fills the land.
5. When heaven is opened, financial blessings will come readily to us.
7 Things that can Close Heaven over Me
1. Pride.
2. Spiritual complacency.
3. Habitual deliberate sinning.
4. Not tithing and giving.
5. Disunity in my church.
6. Unbelief.
7. Prayerlessness.
Random thoughts: Our home is both a sanctuary and a battlefield.
- sanctuary: a place to rest our tired physical body
- battlefield: a place to fight and resist the temptations of switching on the computer and distract you from studying (it's hard!)

Feelin' down, REALLY down..
don't know how to start..
but the feeling you'll get is that you're useless and defeated!
maybe i'm exaggerating my problems..
but the pain in my head is sometimes just unbearable; makes you wanna bang your head against the wall!
what i want badly now is just a few days of break from everything..
just that..
but the increasing pressures due to the upcoming prelims and 'A's are making me mad..
only 99 days more!!!!
i just can't get all the concepts and everything right.. especially econs!!!!!!!!!!!
don't know what to do now, really......

109 more days to 'A's!!!!
time flies! already 12 days since the last time i posted!
have been really busy catching up with all the school work lately..
it's gonna be the last lap of the 'A' level journey, and i'm sure that i do not wanna repeat year 2!
must not lose the study momentum; gotta keep it going!
this reminds me of mrs leong's catch-phrase: PRESS ON! :D
anw, i'm also glad that i'm able to blend into my new chem class finally! :)
though it's kinda stressful, but it's still worth it!
can force me to do my work! wahahaha!
oh man! feelin' sleepy... -.-
another 4 more hours of study before i can go home!
(hope i won't fall asleep during service later =x)

felt so much better aft praying.. :)
feel great to start my day tmr!! (wk 3! another 7 more wks till the next holiday comes.. -.-)
well, let's see...
121 more days to 'A's!!!!!!!!!
shall continue my countdown so i can feel the urgency as it comes round the corner..
and yeah, wanna blog this post before my sch starts, or else i think i've got no time..
while fellowshippin' @ the central, a few of us came up with this list entitled "Cell Group A-Z"..
take a look at it & guess who's this person.... HAHAHA!
"Cell Group"...
- "Ah Meng"
- Brother
- Coordinator
- Dancer
- Entertainer
- "Fan De" a.k.a. 烦的
- Guitarist
- Helper
- Innovator
- Joker
- "Krapper"
- Lamer
- Mate
- Nagger
- Optimist
- "Perseverer"
- "Quacker"
- Robot
- Sister
- Talker
- Ultimate
- Vigorous
- Winner
- "Xcelerator"
- Yabber
- Zealot
hmm, maybe some of the characteristics does not really fit the person, as we have fully cracked our brains to think of the acronyms..
but try to make a guess ba! :) have fun!
perhaps we'll do more of these for other ppl too! LOL! hehehe

what a busy day today!!
gym --> piano lesson --> drums lesson --> leaders' meeting!
but i've definitely enjoyed myself despite of the travelling and stuff.. :)
had PT today for gym; muscles aching! -.-
played scales, scales and more SCALES for piano...
for drums, learnt a few new fill-ins for the song 'ever ever after' by carrie underwood!!
(though it was really messed up, but what can i say? it's a process! HAHA!)
and the highlight for today: leaders' meeting with Rev. Dr. A.R. Bernard!
he shared a word on leadership which really impacted me.. :D
while janet and i were on our way home aft the meeting, i was engaged in a very interesting conversation with my mum..
Mum: 你在哪里?
Me: 在车里面,要回家了。
Mum: Ok. 等一下,你房间的桌子上有一封信。
Me: 哦。Hmmm, 为什么你讲到那封信好像很神秘?-.-
(just look at my mum's reply...)
Mum: Hmmm, 因为。。信上面。。写。。"private & confidential", 所以我不能拆开来读!
Me: (laughing hysterically! HAHA!)
it was sooooooooooo funny lo!!!! LOL! HAHAHAHAHA! ;)

woah~ realised i've not been posting lately..
well, sch has started, but we're still in the midst of the mid-year exams..
another 2 more papers to go! woohoo~
but aft which, the prelims will be here in no time.. :((
PERSEVERE! just another 4 mths and 25 days to go, and it'd all be over!!!!!!!!! :))
this whole week has so far been enjoyable! (except for the papers...)
most of all, today has been the best!
headed to marina square aft cgm with the w388 peeps..
guess what?
we were supposed to study there but ended up laughing all the way till almost 8pm! -.-
why?! all thanks to the 2 jokers: bing & cal.. (it's a longgggggg story...)
on top of that, wanna share my thoughts with every viewer here :)
during my QT, i've been reading the book of Proverbs, and meditating on this verse:
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths."
the weird thing is this: i've encountered this verse 3 times in a week!
God is definitely trying to tell me sth.. hmmm..
well, think i'm lacking the trust I have in Him and has constantly been depending on my own strength and ability in doing things..
guess it's time for me to repent.. =x lol
and yeah, my room is sooooooooo muchhhhhhh cleaner now with everything in place!
i'm sure i'm gonna remove ALL the A-lvl related books aft A-lvls is over!!!! -.-!!!
anw, while I was packing my room, I found this small piece of paper with some things written on it.. it says...
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds.
Be careful of your deeds, for your deeds become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
don't you find it true?!
it's time we should ponder over it..
have a great day! :D

12:00 PM