22 more days to 'O' Levels!!
what a great day i had today..
service impacted me a lot..
especially by pastor kong's msg..
after the preaching, he challenged us to give a faith offering..
i decided to give another 50% of what i'm tithing and giving for my offering..
he then asked us to write our dream, as in what we want to achieve..
and indeed, He is a God who never shortchange us..
when i reach home, my mum got the OCBC card which she applied last week..
so she decided to buy me the macbook one week earlier..
so extremely cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway, got a new CD today too..
gonna listen liao... haha....

23 more days to 'O' Levels!!
omg omg omg!! 23 more days only..
it's coming very very very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but still here slacking.. can't control myself to not surf the net..
hmmm.. but can say got improvement le..
still trying to cope.. =)
talking bout today... not a bad day actually..
went for piano lesson @ 10.30pm..
then made my way down to clementi for cg meeting..
can say that the games that we play these few weeks really bring us together as a cg..
so funny.. keep saboing xuemin..
after cg, we headed for harbourfront centre to study there..
stayed there till 10.15pm as we had a long chat!!
i talked to paxson and bs bout the o levels!!
kinda fun and exciting..
then suddenly, grace appeared out of nowhere, together with chailing and her fren..
what a small world!!
as i'm posting now, i'm still thinking of my macbook..
13 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha =)

27 more days to 'O' Levels!!
normal sch day..
got back my chinese results..
hmm, quite satisfied bout it!!
got an A2 for the whole paper, without including oral..
there's a high hope for an A1! =)
but no matter what, still have to work hard..
posted this at 10.18pm..
studying history at the same time..
also thinking of my macbook!!!
can't wait!!! 17 more days.. woohoo!!!!!!!!!!
anyway, gotta chiong for my o levels le..
no more slacking!!!!!!
muahahaha.. all the best to everyone!! =p

29 more days to 'O' Levels!!
what a 'great' day today..
can't wait to meet my mum to get new clothes after service..
decided to call my mum at 1.30pm..
but i called her for bout 20 times and there was no response..
however, that was not the annoying part..
the most annoying part was that she's supposed to meet me in the evening..
in the end, she asked me to go and have my dinner without her..
i was devastated!
she made me wait for the whole afternoon and then ps me!
what is this?!
anyway, jus wanna vent my anger here..
don wish to talk bout this anymore!
at least she said sorry to me..
that made me better..
hope that this kind of thing will not happen again.....
btw, as usual, went for service in the morning with pearlyn..
service was good!! =)

31 more days to 'O' Levels!!
it's a friday!!! can sleep later.. haha
did nothing much in sch, other than getting back our results..
can say it's disappointing..
but i actually deserve it.. cos didn't really put much effort into the preparation of the prelims..
there's only one more chance for me..
must cherish it le!!
after school, i met my mum at bugis..
then went to bras basah to have my lunch at jack's place..
in the evening, went to watch Underdog with my mum and andy..
it's a very funny show!!
and i was influenced by what the dog said..
'You don't have to fear. Underdog is here'!!
reached home at 10pm..
gonna go now.. =)

34 more days to 'O' Levels!!
tmr's the last day of prelims!!
feel happy in some ways.. but also unhappy in some other ways.. ('O' Levels coming very soon!)
while we were eating in the canteen, ms chong suddenly approached us and said that i've failed my english paper 2..
my heart sank....
i thought it could probably be because of the unfinished summary...
hmmm.. jus hope that the paper 1 will be able to pull up the marks..
had a long nap till 6.30pm..
decided to surf the net at 7.30pm...
had a great time using the webcam with pearlyn..
really had lots of fun!! muahahahaha!!!!
then i moved on to play with janet..
i eventually forgotten that i've got chem and bio to study!!
so gonna study now... =(

Counting down... 35 more days to 'O' Levels!!
a month more to go..
didn't do much revision nowadays.. oh man!
talking bout today's papers..
chose the wrong question to do for e-math..
physics was a bit difficult..
but managed to finish it...
went to vivo to check out the price for the MacBook..
reached home at bout 1pm..
slept till evening!! muahahaha!!
got to go study for tmr's paper liao!!!!
so boring.. =(

Counting down... 40 more days to 'O' Levels!!
less than 6 weeks to o levels le!!!!!!!!
but i seemed to be still slacking at home.. OMG OMG!!
hmm, today's papers are okay..
spent yesterday's time just studying on physics..
neglected my bio.... haiz......
but it's okay... preparing to chiong for my MCQ le.. bo bian!
came home at 12++pm..
bought my favourite tonic soup again!! muahahaha!!!!
slept for about 2 hours..
so decided to post this now..
and going to study for that scheming woman's paper..

Counting down... 41 more days to 'O' Levels!!
what a boring day!!
had A-math and chem papers today..
A-math was quite ok..
chem was....... horrible!!!!! and thanks to that stupid alarm!!!
anyway, didn't finish the paper.. haiz..
after sch, went to tiong with krystal..
met meiping and huiting along the way..
reached home at 2pm..
packed my stuff using the time in the afternoon..
hmm, gonna study now.... *sianz

Counting down... 46 more days to 'O' Levels!!
holidays now.. hmm.. but very boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
went to watch evan almighty today..
the show's talking about things in the bible..
but still......... it's very funny!!!!! muahahahahaha!!
after that, we (pearlyn, her sis, janet and calvin) had our dinner at the kopitiam..
ordered from the same stall..... haha!
came back home at bout 9pm..
played o2jam............................... (oops)
i was soooooooooooo addicted to it!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
decided to stop at bout 10pm.. muahaha!
watching incredible tales now.... signing off..........
felt sooooooooooooooo sorry for breaking a vow.....
really didn't mean to do it......

Counting down... 50 more days to 'O' Levels!!
it's a sunday!! we had a graduation service today!!
ended at bout 1pm..
then i stayed in the auditorium together with the other cg members to practise for the singing audition..
i was so NERVOUS when i saw the others who were performing before me..
104... 105... 106... 107... 108... 109!!!!!!!!!!!
it was already my turn!!
i made my way up to the stage..
looking at the audience, my heart pumped even faster!!!
so i started to sing..
my hands were shivering.................
and in less than a minute, the audition was over..
to me, the performance was quite a success..
but no matter what, it's already over.. =)
after the audition, i went to changi with janet and huimin..
had a mee sua meal there......
the 3 of us ate the same thing.... muahahaha!
reached home at bout 9pm....

10:48 PM