it has been two days since my o levels started..
i thought to myself..
am i been putting a lot of hard work in this exam?!
thanks to the counselling session with him that i finally found an answer to this..
i felt really BAD just now..
how does having everything i want contribute to my o levels?
is having this a hindrance to my studies?!
does also mixing with the wrong friends contribute to that?!
soon i found out the answer..
it just lies within myself..
what does this mean: hard work leads to success!
i just did a self-reflection..
i guess i didn't put in any hard work for this once in a lifetime o levels..
for me, i really couldn't sense any urgency for this exam, until what he told me just now..
he said that amantha and juvita could study till they cried because of stress..
this impacted me..
people could be so stressed until they cry..
but what am i doing these past few months??
is she also avoiding me because i'm not those study kind?!
why can't i feel the momentum which could push me to study hard?!
then he said one thing..
my mum have been loving me so much that she could buy anything for me..
but why can't i just put in a little effort into the exams and make her proud??
it is easier for me to put in effort to study rather than putting so much time and hard work for her to earn money and buy something for me..
he also said that i'm focusing too much on my strong points rather than my weaknesses..
i agree with him too..
soon, i realised that i have another weakness..
he and pearlyn said that i'm too eager to buy something that i want..
i agree too!
i've been putting my soul and my mind into doing other things rather than STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after this session, i wanna tell myself to just focus my mind into studies and NOTHING else!!
i really wanna thank him who spend time with me to tell me all these..
i guess it's a session for me reflect on what have i been doing all this while..
and for those who are reading this, just wanna tell u guys that i'll not be posting until exams are over..
i'm also going to commit myself to study hard and not get distracted by the things around me..
hope that u guys will cooperate with me by not calling me until the end of o levels..

Tmr's 'O' Levels!!
tmr's o levels liao..
oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh!!
talk bout today first..
as usual, went for service this morning..
was late! muahahahaha..
after service, supposed to go for prayer meeting at 2.30pm..
i did went..
but the funniest thing is that instead of staying for the prayer meeting, they allow us to go back home and study for the o levels..
but before that, they did pray for us..
really thankful for that!
however, hui ming and i went to changi to study..
at night, janet, chien, paxson and mun yee came to my house..
had dinner with them..
hmmm, guess that's all for today.. =)

3 more days to 'O' Levels!!
haven't been posting for 5 days!!
decide to post now..
talking bout today..
woke up today and found out that i had a sore throat..
and........ i still went to eat swensens @ bugis despite my sore throat..
at night, went to watch my first NC16 movie, resident evil: extinction..
what a horrific show!
guess it's just the sound effects that made it so scary..
not bad not bad..
oh yes.. i saw andy, tong aun, juvita and amantha @ kopitiam...
and andy was furious cos i didn't do something.. hahahaha!!
anyway, had a great day today.. =)
however, also felt very BAD today..
was told that our cg situation was not good..
suddenly felt a heavy burden for the cg..
what's wrong?!
what's the barrier that is blocking our way??!!
oh God!! come and help us!!
i believe that our cg will stay strong despite all these..
jus wanna ask for a small favour from u guys (cgm)..
can we don give anymore trouble to xuemin?
i believe that she's already doing all she can for the cg..
it's jus the fact that we don't know..
can we also jus cooperate with her no matter what she wan us to do?!
let's stay strong and overcome the works of the devil!! can we??!!

8 more days to 'O' Levels!!
It's my b'day today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
receive quite a number of presents today..
the cg people celebrated my birthday with me..
so grateful towards them!
after service, we headed towards cineleisure, where we had our lunch..
i ate curry chicken rice together with ei chien and janet too!
yummy, it was a great meal!!
next, pearlyn and i went to check something regarding k box..
sad to say, the rooms were fully packed, as it was their anniversary..
i wanted to sing badly!!
so, we decided to wait till 5.30pm..
these are the people who came: boon siang, guan xian, janet, kian hwee, ei chien, pearlyn, xuemin and grace..
when we were inside, the place became noise-polluted..
the whole room was filled with the screaming and the shouting!!
irritating!!! muahahaha..
thank God! we're still able to sing throughout the 3 hours..
at 8.30pm, most of the people have already left..
but i don't blame them as they may have something on.. =)
so the few of us: xuemin, janet, kh and pearlyn made our way to swensens again!!
the funny thing is that a staff there actually remembered us! or should i say pearlyn!!
after we have settled down, then something 'tragic' happened!
janet found that she had lost her specs..
we searched high and low for it but it was nowhere to be found..
i really pity her!! (janet, don't be angry hor!!)
then i decided to treat the few of them..
and guess what?! the bill was............. $110.64!!!!!!!!
wow, it was the first time which i treat people to such an expensive supper!
anyway, really wanna thank those of u who went out with me the whole day till 12am, and also those who sent me b'day messages..
really really appreciate what u guys r doing..
if it hadn't been u guys, my b'day wouldn't be a fun-filled one!!
thanks a million!!!! =)
btw, below are photos which i've taken today..

10 more days to 'O' Levels!!
o levels is around the corner!!
i'm still slacking here.. oh man!!!!!!!!
can't feel the sense of urgency at all..
but is not that i don't want to study..
everytime i see someone who's going to take o levels this year, studying so hard at mac..
my heart keeps thumping..
hmmm, what's keeping them going?
i really wanna find out..
can someone give me an answer??
went to meet ei chien at clementi mac..
had a great time laughing and giggling with her..
but she did help me in some ways..
i did the chem tys..
and she helped me to mark..
not that bad!!
managed to score!! muahahahaha!!
after that, i accompanied her to choa chu kang as she had to meet grace there for make-up cell..
while we were there at the control station waiting for someone, grace told me this..
(in english) 'sheryl.. u look very different today. u look more like a girl'.
then i told myself.. is there something different about me today?
hmmm.. it makes no sense to me at all!! haha!! (grace, don't be angry k?)
guess that's all bout today ba..
wait for more interesting life story.. =) stay tuned!!

11 more days to 'O' Levels!!
went to study today with mei ping @ harbourfront (the usual place)..
but managed to do a little bit of revision..
in the evening, actually going to have dinner together with my mum and dad..
but my mum couldn't make it..
so had to 'take away' for her..
hmmm, it was a sumptuous one..
haven't been eating there for a year or so..
miss the food there..
especially the chicken..
will stop here for now..

12 more days to 'O' Levels!!
Last day in BMSS....
sob sob..
today's the last day that i'm going to have a formal day at sch..
we had our graduation ceremony this morning..
instead of us relaxing, we're the ones who were running everywhere like a mad person..
talking bout the performance..
it was quite okay on the whole..
except a few minor mistakes here and there..
all the classes sang different kinds of songs - it was so fantastic!!
after the ceremony, i was shocked as our vice principal, Mr Razali, is being appointed as the principal of pei cai sec..
can say that it was also his last day in bukit merah..
can't believe that i've been in this sch for 4 years le..
time really flies!!
well, hope that everyone of us will continue to keep in contact with one another..
wanna wish everyone all the best in the upcoming years!!
i will also miss all the juniors in BMCB!!

13 more days to 'O' Levels..
gosh!! less than two weeks to o levels!!
still slacking here..
but........... guess i won't be able to slack anymore..
went to sign a contract with andy..
it states that if both of us get less than 10 points for L1R5, andy has to come with me to church..
however, if i alone didn't get less than 10 points for L1R5, i'll have to give up on church..
oh man!!!!!!!!!!
it's the most serious decision that i've ever made..
but since it's already signed, i'll have to keep my word..
oh God, i really have to depend on You!!!!!!!!!!
hope that u can hear me.. =)

21 more days to 'O' Levels!!
typical sch day..
did the same usual thing again..
krystal didn't come to sch today, so felt a bit lonely in some lessons..
same situation tmr.. haiz..
after sch, mei xian and i went to wheelock place to check out the price of the macbook..
we headed to ngee ann city to study there after checking the price..
then did some calculations there.. haha..
realised that i can actually save up to $32.50 per week!
anyway, went home at bout 5.30pm..
slept till 9pm..
watched the 9pm chinese show..
so nice!!
omg omg omg!!
haven't studied..
gotta do it now! =)

11:11 PM