had a series of terrible, terrible stomach cramps today!!
keep going to the toilet non-stop, and banging my head onto the wall..
the pain is unbearable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i almost fainted at home..
keep on praying for healing....
and really thank God, after 2 hours of slp, the pain was gone!
praise God!! =)
so stayed at home till bout 6++pm, then went out with kh to have dinner at his working place..
didn't eat much, but was very full!!
hmmm, went home after that..
and here i am, posting this!!
guess that's all for today ba! =)

went for band prac again!
helped andy to do his macbook stuff..
lots of prob!! haha..
anyway, joined the band for combined today..
then funniest thing happened!
ms lim was conducting in 1+2+3+4+ per beat..
i forgotten!!
we were playing festivo then, part 10-11..
so i was there, happily playing the parts..
just as i finished playing 11, then she said this!
'now 11', with her hands giving the signal to come in there..
i laughed and laughed and laughed!!
oh gosh, i told myself!
but anyway, had a great combined today..
after band prac, went to meet mei ping at people's park..
cos............. it's her b'day today!!!
and we are the only ones who celebrated with her..
so pathetic!!!! her frens all ps her..
then they came to my house to use com..
so had dinner at han's @ BMC..
hmm, headed home after that..
quite fun indeed!!!
while i was playing halfway, i saw my dad came home with letters in his hands..
and to my surprise, i opened up both of them and saw something very surprising!
one was to notify me that i'm eligible for the bursary award and the other one was another $200 voucher from starhub!
got 2 of the vouchers in 2 weeks!!
really praise God!!
i can't believe it!!
He is indeed a good and faithful God!!
so gonna buy a new phone this coming fri!! whee!!!!!!!!!!
i shall be more faithful towards God in terms of giving my tithe and offering..
amen!!!!! =)

finally i'm back to update again! muahahahaha!!
haven't been updating for bout a week or so..
well, talking bout today, the whole cg went to cineleisure to have our lunch..
we headed towards the food court and some of us had a sumptuous meal there..
and something funny happened!
pearlyn was jus playing around using my phone..
and he took a shot of calvin with his stunned look.... but, most of all, he looks so adorable!!!!
anyway, had a great time today..
wish the cg will continue to go out more often to build up the unity!!

haven't been posting since o levels started..
hmmm, feel happy that i am able to post again!!
no matter what, o levels are over!
i shld not care so much bout the results le, as my aim is still getting into SP, music and audio tech..
went with the usuals......
then got a phone call from ms lee, asking me to go fetch her @ Great World..
i was sooooooooooooooooo super afraid la!!
esp the way i dress up myself..
looks totally like a guy!
but seriously, the grad nite was a success!
i did enjoyed myself there..
and also managed to win a merahan award, which is the most musically-inclined student award..
it was really a suprise!! haha!
really wanna thank the ppl for voting for me.. =)
cos if it hadn't been them, i wouldn't have received it!
then after that, the usuals and i went to walk walk around clarke quay..
walking along the corridors of the pubs..
i guess i'll jus stop here for tonight..
oh yes, these 2 pics below are taken jus now..
still more to come!!! muahahahaha! =)
taken with krystal @ the hotel..
The Most Musically-Inclined Student award!! haha.. =) thanks for ur votes!

11:26 PM