what a tiring day!!!!
it was my first day at work in a office jus along neil road..
throughout the 7 hours, i was jus sitting at the table, staring at the com!
type and type and type....... click and click and click..........................
and soon, the 7 hours were gone!!
time flies actually! =D
hmm, but seriously, the job is fantastic!
not bad at all!
after work, went to cut my hair @ kimage, chinatown..
had the same guy to do it!
but he's a real pro hairdresser!
think i gotta go off now..
or else tmr i'll suffer again! =)
so long folks!

jus came back from the camp! =)
it was really a once in a lifetime experience..
the tangible presence of God, the enthusiastic ppl, the fun praise and worship and the preaching
of the Word of God..........
it's just so fantastic..
i shall share bout my experience...
on the first night, we were being blind-folded and were threatened by the 'terrorists'..
i felt that it was so real!
but after the game, i learnt one thing..
the one thing is that no matter what kind of situation we are in, we should just keep going on and not stop..
we may be blinded by the things around us, and left alone there to search for the only way out..
however, we must still put our trust in God to lead us through..
i also learnt another thing throughout this whole camp..
i felt strongly that i must learn how to place my priorities right in life..
for example, christians and non-christians..
i've been always wanting to satisfy both parties at the same time..
but in fact, that is impossible!
i had to learn to just let go and not let the reactions of the individual party to affect my decision..
i guess these are two things which i must learn.. =)
at the same time, i also did felt guilty too..
being a christian for bout 3+ years, my spiritual lvl is stil stagnant..
i felt really shameful though; a 3+ year old christian stil can't be faithful in her own quiet time..
what is this??!!
am i going to stay like that for the next 5 years?? 10 years??
after the preaching of the word, i felt strongly that i should come out of my own comfort zone, and really do the things of God..
this camp has indeed helped to restore my momentum, to push me even further in my spiritual walk with God..
really hoped that i can be changed after the camp..
not jus by words, but actions done!!! AMEN!!!!!

guess i'm sick of posting! muahahaha!
but shall try my best to post once in two day.. =)
ytd night went to joey's place to stay overnight..
so went to jurong west church together by cab..
really can't stand the weather nowadays..
rain whenever it likes.. arrghh!
today's service was fabulous!
the guest speaker was Rev. Dr. John Avanzini..
his preaching was extraordinary!
but sad to say, joey and i had to leave early to go for WestWinds rehearsal.. sob sob..
the service was seriouly great!!!!!!!!!
well, talking bout the rehearsal today..
hmm.. quite okay lo..
still struggling a bit here and there..
the rhythms are so difficult!!!
and the notes were like........................ oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think i need lots and lots of practice in order to prepare myself for the march concert next year..
at least i'm working hard for the things that i like rather than sitting at the table studying and studying and studying!!!!!!!!!
haha!! band rocks! =D
guess that's all for today ba..
stay tuned to check out the repertoire for the march concert! =)

today was my free day!!!!!!
so decided to have a day out with chien and huimin..
we hanged around @ vivo city and headed towards imm after that..
then i went to sign up for the m1 broadband.. haha!
i signed it under my name!!!!!!! cool!!!!!!!!! it was my first time.. =D
it's actually not so bad..
quite unique.... hmm, in that sense..
had my dinner with my mum at the coffeeshop..
and as usual, played o2jam!!! wahahaha! gained a lvl! currently a lvl 41 o2jammer!! =)
will try even harder to aim for a lvl 100!! haha!
decided to post now..
hmm, think i better get going..
or else can't wake up tmr for my band prac..

back to post! haha!
let's talk bout today!
as usual, went for cg together with joey and chien..
had a horrible time with them!! haha, jkjk!
keep talking bout me and..................
so after cg, went to west winds with joey..
we had a tremendous time there, playing and sight-reading all those new songs..
then after all the playing, those newcomers had to intro themselves..
and worst of all, i was one of them! haha!
they said that it was their tradition to do that!
seriously had a lot of fun there!
hmm, guess i'm really looking forward to the upcoming concert which will be held in march @ the esplanade!! muahahahahaha!

11:40 PM