hmm, sorry for not posting since march as JC life is just so different..
gotta chiong hw and tutorials one after another..
it's just non-stop!
anyway, the purpose of me writing this post is just to release my anger and disappointment here..
first disappointment is regarding the committee..
guess those who knows me well would know that i'm very keen and determined to join the CCA committee..
without me saying, you should know what i mean..
perhaps the others are really stronger than i thought..
after hearing the announcement, my heart sank..
it's just so disappointing!
tried my best to control my tears, but it just kept rolling down from my eyes..
the worst thing: i'm on the bus!
it has been two days, and i'm feeling much better..
just do not want to keep letting this small little situation affect me..
however, the problem of playing the euphonium.................................
"It's not that I am not keen to learn, it's just so difficult for me to do it."
people in the band have been playing the same instrument since sec sch..
but not for me!
learning an instrument takes some time, but they jus couldn't get it..
countless no. of buzzings, reaching for the high notes.........
it's just so tough..
all these things have caused me to lost hope for myself to be a somebody in the band..
it's like everything comes crashing down on me...
oh God! r u trying to tell me that that's not the path for me to head to?
the second disappointment..... the fact that i didn't go for svc..
i'm really guilty for what had happened this morning..
it's really unacceptable for me to not go for svc..
for this, i'm really, really very sorry!
i know my mistakes i and i won't do it again..
rest assured! =)

11:59 AM