Australia Trip (9-15 November 2008) PART III
DAY 4 (12 November 2008)
to start off the day, we headed to a place called Superbee! it's a place full of honey products!
they also explained the extraction process of honey too!
as we entered, all of us were enthralled by this little friend who greeted us!
what/who could it be.........? LOOK BELOW! =)
This talking parrot! It knows how to be angry too! HAHA!
"The Great Divide" I call it.. It is a line which cuts the middle of Brisbane & New South Wales!
Left - Brisbane, Right - New South Wales
Brrr... WINDY!
The sea
Mummy & I
The lighthouse
on our way to the next destination, i managed to capture this....
Caravan sales! COOL!
and.............. we reached the fruit farm!
He's (don't know his name) giving a talk about the fruits they grow there
Taking sth...
Parents together with the tractor! (big eh?!)
I call it the pure macadamia! Extremely nice!
The South Pacific Garden
Orange tree! (if i remembered correctly...)
Nice flowers!
Forgot what r these called.. =x
Treasure Island
Photo taken during the little train ride!
Look at how big they r!!!
Young ones! Those in black...
Young moo-moos drinking milk!
Forgot what r they called.. -.-
My parents together with the horse
More meh-mehs!
next destination: pacific fair shopping centre! it's the biggest shopping centre in brisbane!
Some of the shops there
More shops...
Vehicle cut into half
target and coles are the departmental stores there! =D
2 more posts b4 i conclude my whole trip! do visit! =)

Australia Trip (9-15 November 2008) PART II
DAY 3 (11 November 2008)
first stop of the day: Dreamworld
Family photo in front of Dreamworld's entrance
Ooh! Mascots Kenny & Belinda!
Wiggles World
their toilet signs r just so creatively made!
Another kind of bird found!
The Wiggles Shop
Billabong Restaurant! (nv heard of it eh?!)
Railway track
Tower of Terror (T.O.T.)
Australian Wildlife Experience
Just happened to see this bird walking past, so took a shot of it >.<
AND....... aft walking for quite some time, my FAVOURITE animals appeared!!
they r KANGAROOS!!!!!!!
Soothing & feeding the young one...
Duckies! (also waiting for the kangaroo food)
It ignored me... :( haha
Dad's turn to feed
WAH! an army of kangaroos!
An individual photo!
Eh...... Not sure what r they called..... But very unique!
"Shaving" off the sheep's skin show
Treated for a cup of tea and some bread aft the show
A very adorable animal! But, also forgot its name -.-
The famous parrot there...
Photo taken of me during the tram ride
Finally.......... LUNCH TIME!
Western food again!!
Hmm, an unwanted guest appeared while having our meals! HAHA!
The SUPER DUPER big screen!
Some shops....
I just love this pose!
coming up........ individual photo taken with the crocs!
fake crocs of course! or we'd have been eaten up a long time ago.. -.-
Never seen my dad so cheerful before.. First time lo!
Anw, next up........... TIGER SHOW!
White tiger
The normal tiger, a lazy one indeed (can slp until like that)
Taking a walk?!
Strolling cat
This one too...
Without further ado, i'm gonna show u some pics taken during the performance!
aft the performance, time to take photos of ourselves! HAHA!
Me pointing that white tiger!
My cute mummy..
The Claw
Gold Rush Country
Think that's 'White Water World'.. (didn't get to go there)
in the evening, we headed to a very spec place in Brisbane to see something which glows at night! but as we were waiting for the bus, we saw tis SUPER huge jeep parked in front of the hotel's entrance! TAKE A LOOK!
Dad & Mum together with the jeep
Me with that HUGE jeep!
Mantra Legends Hotel
Those spots u see are actually glow worms! =p (these r the glowing things i'm taking about!)
we were treated to a 'surprise' mini performance by this guy...
Eh, forgot his name & forgot what is he playing.. =x
Another pic of him playing the....???
Whee! another day of fun-filled activities!
STAY TUNED to for more upcoming parts of my trip!

11:06 AM