The Great Turnover
commons tests are just over and i gotta get ready for a brand new study term ahead!
really admit that i didn't really focus much in my revision of the tests during the one-week holiday, and i really, really regret it :(
managed to do some serious self-reflection this time round to ensure same mistakes will not be committed again...
most importantly: to get the results i wanna achieve at the end of this year! :)
SheRyL, it's still not too late to start!!!!
The Top 10 "Gotta Dos" for the Rest of This Year Leading to the 'A' Levels!
2. Pray, and let God do the rest!
3. Get rid of every distraction that comes my way (music, TV, computer etc...).
4. Study hours of 15 hours/week (home revision EVERYDAY).
5. Time management! (can't be busy all the time -.-!)
6. Listen attentively during lectures and tutorial classes. (ESSENTIAL!)
7. Exercise have a balanced diet.
8. Do every assignment!
9. Have quality time with my friends too.
10. Reduce the amount of entertainment time. (hmmm...)
well, i hope to implement this "gotta dos" in my schedule starting from next mon, 30.3.2009..
hmm, really pray it'll turn out well :D
there's a saying: the going gets tough & the tough surely gets going!!
but with an ultimate and truly magnificent God who is always right beside me, i'm 100% sure that i'll overcome the odds and experience a major breakthrough in my life!
through it all, i wanna cross the finishing line and proclaim that....
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the FAITH."
~ 2 Timothy 4:7

today was econs paper! (the "101" paper which i'm MOST AFRAID OF!)
i screwed up the whole paper & didn't manage to finish it either..
however, it was a great attempt though... :)
gonna do better for MYE!
went home to take a nap from 4-5.30pm before heading to PS for my drums lesson...
learnt 2 new fill-ins today!! AWESOME!
think i'm more suited for drums compared to any other instruments :D
there's just this burning passion inside me to wanna accomplish more in this!
just a matter of time! YEAH!
early this morning, my mum set off to catch her flight to shanghai @ changi...
really, really, REALLY misses her!!!!!!!! :(
was quite 'depressed' in a way, and felt very, very uneasy...
but decided to pray bout it!
was feeling much better after that! :)
sometimes you just gotta take that little step to pray even if you feel reluctant to do so....
it ALWAYS feels great after praying!!
you feel strengthened, encouraged and full of FAITH to keep you going for the next day!!
thank God You're with us all the time!
wanna share this video with everyone too!
it's the music video for the song "Your Call" by Secondhand Serenade..
a VERY nice song!

whew... just finished doing PART of my hsekeeping -.-
gotta slp on the floor from now on :)
reason being? ------------------> it just feels comfortable to me...
some would be thinking i'm out of my mind! LOL!
anyways, kind of like my new layout for my room....
spacious, tidy & clean!! YEAH!
well, for today, went for makeup cgm tgt with some of w388 peeps @ boon lay..
the ppl in w427 - led by faji also - are soooooo friendly! :D
had a great meeting tgt with them (although i'm kinda STRESSED UP abt my guit playing =x)!
headed down to JP for lunch aft that..
then, kian hwee, yan ci and pearlyn came to my hse!
learnt 2 new songs while i practise my guit today too!
they are 'your call' & 'maybe' by secondhand serenade.. VERY, VERY NICE SONGS INDEED!

Internal Struggles
internal struggles.... i asked myself.......
i've been seriously wondering y exactly am i facing this prob, and i've yet to get an ans from anyone....
perhaps since young, i've always been the one trying to solve my own problems, the only one seeking for solutions to all these; to the extent that i'd keep everything to myself (even till now)...
overly independent?! i doubt so!
guess it's the matter of who exactly r the ones i can trust and depend on...
this kind of insecurity has been troubling me all this while.....
God, i wanna come out of it!
i've started to even think that i'm a person with super low self-esteem....
small criticisms & mini actions done can hurt me lots, and eventually, causing me to think lowly of myself..
is it normal for me to be thinking this way????
apart from that...........................
there's always this saying: ALWAYS HAVE THE END IN MIND!
it also means to place our focus on the results and not on the problems, which leads me to start doubting myself..
reason being: when i always have the end in mind, focusing on the process in getting my way there at the same time, it ALWAYS DIDN'T TURN OUT THE WAY IT SHLD HAVE BEEN IN MY MIND!
it just irritates me!
what exactly do i mean?
tests which i actually studied for didn't turn out well...
tests which i think i'll flung them turned out to be alright whereas those i have confidence in didn't turn out well according to my expectations....
worse still, everything which i think it'll happen didn't become a reality and vice versa...
i might as well just keep focusing on the negative in order to achieve the positive?!
it sounds psychotic!
no one would actually think this way!! DEFINITELY NO!
but it is just happening to me right now! OH GOSH!! :(
guess my friends would ask me to pray and leave it up to God to deal with it..
the matter of fact is that it's also happening in my spiritual walk!
i'm really, really going bonkers soon!!! !@#$%^&*
can someone really help me out?!!!!!!!!!!

I BROKE MY RECORD MAN! full 12 hours of slp -.-!!!
was awaken @ 12.30pm by all those 'annoying' phone calls and smses...
hmm, can say wanna thk them for that too (in a way).. :)
slacked till 5pm before heading down to tiong to meet up with shuwen!
had sakae sushi with her.. jus think that their food rocks!!
aft which, i met up with the regulars, krys, her bf rupert & andy, to catch the movie "coming soon" @ JP.. (forced by andy!!! haha)
while waiting for andy, we settled down @ old town white coffee to have my FAVOURITE "iced fire polo bun!'
jus one word: SENSATIONAL!!!!!!!! (price is quite reasonable too)
and finally, we hit the theatres @ 9.20pm..
the movie on the whole was quite okay, jus hate those gory gory parts here & there....... -.-
nearly scared me to death! humph!
think that's about it for today :)

there're only about 10 more days!! GOSH!
gotta work doubly hard, and aim for at least a PASS in every subject..
did some target-setting this week too!
General Paper - D
Mathematics - A
Physics - D
Economics - D
Chemistry - C
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
~ Philippians 4:13
went for "Sentosa Raiders" tis morning! TEAM 25 ROCKS!
though we did not emerge as the top few winning teams, nevertheless, all of us still enjoyed ourselves =)
aft which, the 10 of us, together with faji, headed down to church via the buses that are catered for all participants for tis event..
for svc, we're so honoured to have Rev. Paul Scanlon to share a word with us!
the things he shared about the 'bus ministry' are just so interesting and fascinating! LOL!
enjoyed laughing and giggling a lot throughout the whole preaching.. -.-
so at bout 7.30pm, we headed down to PS to meet candice for dinner.. (YUMMY!)
had a sumptuous meal @ the newly renovated kopitiam.. =D
and finally, HOME SWEET HOME @ bout 10.15pm!! >.<

5:48 PM