9 more days to SYF!

today's a MONDAY!
somehow there's always this monday blues kind of thingy.. -.-
quite irritating i guess..
haha.. anw, got back my complex numbers test results..
really shocked to see that i got 14/18!
this is totally unexpected cos i admit that i didn't study for it.. just glanced through the notes..
PTL! :)
also did a re re-test for my econs paper.. screwed it all up! :(
i really, really, really wished that i could score at least an E, and that would cheer me up already..
well, gonna prepare the inflation essay test which is held this coming wed and do my homework now..
oh yeah oh yeah, as SYF is coming very, very soon, i would like to share sth about the song which we're going to play..
our choice piece is entitled "Stabat Mater Dolorosa," which is translated as "The Sorrowful Mother Stood.."
according to wikipedia, this song meditates on the suffering of Mary, Jesus Christ's mother, during His crucifixion..
click here to find out more! :)
look for me if you wanna listen to the song! haha!
that's all!

11 more days to SYF!
today's meet-the-parents session for all JC2 peeps..
gosh, quite disturbed actually cos i've got majority of negative feedback from all my STs, saying that i'm very weak in those subjects..
i shld really do sth about it asap!
"SheR, it's not time to give up now! press on!"
hmm, come to think of it, i've got less than 7 months left..
gonna jiayou le! :)
had an awesome time @ the republic cultural centre with the band..
rehearsed the same old songs over and over again.. -.-!
my lips are so numb now.. lol
think we played better for overture no. 2 compared to stabat..
aft the rehearsal, the eupho and trombone section began to take lots and lots of photos....
it was hilarious! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
i shall upload all of them aft i get them from my frens :)
*exclusive* i've got 2 photos taken during the showcase on wed.. take a look!

The seats in the auditorium

The stage

My favourite one! Love this angle :)


12 more days to SYF!
time flies today!!
HAHA, perhaps there are too much break le.... -.-
hmm, nth much happened today..
but decided to try out sth new :)
aft mei xian came to collect the classical guit, i headed off to people's park complex to begin my self-study session @ mac..
kind of successful i guess :p
and while i was studying, suddenly i heard a loud smashing sound caused by the scattering of bits and pieces of glass which fell to the ground..
and lo and behold, i looked up and saw the cracked glass window.. lol
attracted a small crowd of people there kaypoing.. haha
so came home @ about 11.30pm, and decided to blog this..
OH YES OH YES! i finally got the video for the performance!!
haiz, saw that my right hand was kinda lethargic on that day, perhaps was due to my nervousness =s
HAHA! anw, it's over!
jus taking this as an opportunity to know my weaknesses and to change them! :)
as promised, it has been uploaded! feel free to view!
"Pioneer's Got Talent" showcase (CS)

13 more days to SYF!
the no. of days left in being part of PJCSB are getting smaller...
that also means more and more intense trainings! -.-
think we are able to clinch a gold this time round!! :)
gonna jiayous le!!!!
and yeah! cailing and i did it again!
we put up a great performance ytd @ the concourse ytd!
kind of nervous when i saw the stage set-up and the backstage ppl getting ready the equipment to get the showcase started..
we were the third group to be up on stage performing..
and seriously, the group before us were way too 'zai' for us to be competing with them! =s
they are really PRO!
anw, my microphone gave me a 'heart-attack' man!
it was way too soft!! but no choice, it was already the actual thing.. lol
well, think it's still a fantastic exposure for cailing and myself to be standing in front of our fellow pioneers performing..
really really had so much fun!
what actually makes our day were all the positive feedback we've received :)
come to think about it, i definitely didn't regret making my choice of joining "Pioneer's Got Talent.."
oh yeah oh yeah! cailing's fren captured a short video of our performance!! shall upload it asap once i got it! hehe, so stay tuned!

The New Me?
4 more days to "Pioneer's Got Talent" showcase!
18 more days to SYF!
just realised that my schedule is so fully packed!
especially for this coming week, i'll only be home everyday aft 9pm, except for tue and fri.. -.-!
really gotta depend on God's divine strength even more to pull through this hectic period..
balances between church, studies, CCA and many others have to be done asap!
no more procrastination! :)
a sudden thought came to my mind while i am blogging this, thinking of a title for this post..
guess you readers would be wondering why i put that eh?!
well, i feel that i've changed to become a better person since the day i stepped into PJC..
looking back, i would say that my life here is definitely not a smooth-sailing one..
new environment, new friends and new challenges!
to be honest, ppl who knew me since sec sch years would know better that i'm not the study kind of person..
however, i still ended up being in a JC.. very dots right?
remembering once that i consulted karen on whether i shld take the poly or the JC route..
she challenged me to consider the JC route, so as to enlarge my capacity... =s
i was indeed struggling a little aft i made that decision..
i'm still struggling now though...
as u know (and i guess you would have heard), JC is full of ppl who are constantly competing with one another in terms of results..
kinda stress though, but you just gotta be used to it.. :)
and that's the reason why my sec schmates said that i have changed!
what is the it then? i guess most of them would say that i've become more hardworking.. hehe! :p
apart from that, making this choice to become part of PJC has made me to become a more responsible person..
i started by making the effort to wake up early to catch a bus from chinatown to PJC, which is situated in CCK! -.-!
what is another thing which i've been fighting mentally about?
it is regarding my CCA..
being in band has always been my passion; to play and produce quality music as a big family..
the past one year in band seemed to be like a living hell for me..
whenever there're practices, i fought with all my heart to force myself reluctantly to attend them despite of the fact that i've still yet to find out the reaons behind all these weird behaviours of mine..
just last month, i even had the thought of giving up my heavy CCA commitments, so as to treat it as an escape route to relieve this pain..
it's only until when the J1s came in this year in feb/mar, then my world turned ard..
i've got to say that they're really a bunch of fun, crazy and loving ppl to be with!
whenever i see them (or sometimes i don't), they would always be calling your name, to somehow acknowledge your presence just by simply saying a hi to you..
this made my life in band much less miserable for the past 1 month :)
this 9h i had in band today from 8am-5pm had been great!
wanna say that i love my section lots!
i feel that the trombone and euphonium section is so united, like a family.. ROCK ON! XD
"another 18 more days to go, and it'll be over soon..."
is it a gd or a bad thing?!
i've still yet to make a stand...

Pic taken today in the band storeroom.. :p

woo~ what a long day i had!! (even though i didn't go for band prac)
aft sch, we had our lunch and then the 3 of us headed to the library to make good use of our time there to study =)
then suddenly, cailing's reaction to an sms caught my attention cos she was so shocked!
i asked her why and she passed her phone to me...
we were super duper excited man!
i didn't have the mood to even study for my econs test aft knowing the results! LOL! XD
yeah, the finals for "Pioneer's Got Talent" will be held in a few weeks' time, but there'll also be a showcase next wed..
kinda nervous, but i know we're going to make a great team!!
the song's been chosen, and hope it'd turn out well this time round! :)
gotta chiong my assignments le!

back here blogging aft 4 days of break! :)
didn't go to sch today again due to a slight fever :(
so kind of slacking now, b4 going to read my lecture notes later as i've missed 2 lectures today!!! haiz..
anw, wanna say that the easter production was great!!!
really appreciate the efforts put in by the actors and actresses..
they have indeed done a superb job in making this easter a fruitful one for all of us!
*applause* and kudos to all of them!
ytd, pearlyn, janet, royston and i headed to tampines aft watching the easter production..
had our meals @ kopitiam :)
bumped into faji and his gf there.. what a small world! HAHA!
aft which, we went to the kappa store located inside the new shopping mall..
managed to grab hold of a buy 1 get 1 free deal!
in the end, got 2 pairs of shoes @ the price of 1, which is $89.90!
got myself a red and a brown one :)

got back my PW results today!
glad to say that i got a B!
well, not expecting anything much higher than that..
quite happy le :)
so far, i've got 'B's for both my chinese and PW..
still working towards my goal of getting at least a B for every other subject..

great to be back here blogging!
i was not feeling very well this morning, so didn't made it for sch today.. :(
aft i woke up @ bout 3.30pm, my mum brought me to see a doc @ queenstown polyclinic..
guess what? it closed just when we reached -.-!
thus, we headed to the private clinic @ tiong bahru..
was diagnosed with sth known as "Chondromalacia Patella," a kind of kneecap pain..
think was caused by all the jumping during PE ytd.. LOL!
gotta force all the drugs down into my throat again!!! (refer to pic above)
really gonna cut down on my weight le.. =x

11:46 PM