it's 4.56am now, and i'm still outside :)
kinda tired -.-
currently @ Liang Court mac, with all the pub-goers all around me... =s
it's quite amazing to find that this place is still packed with ppl at this time!! (already going to 5am!)
was jus trying out my new routine of studying in the middle of the night..
and these are the deductions i've made so far:
1. There is absolutely NO WAY in which i can complete my GP & Econs hw at this time.
2. I can only focus more on Math in the middle of the night.
3. Think there's no incentive for me to come back here again to study on a sat night! Way too noisy!! -.- (not as what i predicted initially: peace & quiet)
oh well, gonna continue planning a new study routine.. :)
didn't post for the last few days due to all the endless tests that keep coming..
went for econs remedial on thu afternoon with jasmine, and the tutor said sth interesting..
a former student of hers is/was a president's scholar.. (WOAH!)
and... she said that this student actually summarised every single topic from the syllabus, and compiled them on just 1 page of a paper!!
was quite intrigued by this fact though, and it really makes me consider on trying this out too..
that's all folks!
think i'm heading home soon to have a good rest! :)

school was kinda fun today..!
began my day with a 2.4km run during PE -.-!
REALLY EXHAUSTING! (esp you haven't been doing PE for a month! gosh!)
a good work out though :)
got our essay assignment back with IMPROVED results! take a look!!
You may think it's still a fail, but it's already an improvement made from 16-18 marks range for me! PTL! must not be complacent too!!!!
Comments written by Mrs Leong..
Encouraging, except for the incomplete thingy -.- haha
had a 3-hour long GP lesson today!!!
managed to make a new fren during remedial too! :)
so after a long and tiring day, i headed off to PS for my drums make-up lesson..
i'm REALLY excited to know that i've kinda promoted to the next book! WOOHOO~
may be learning a few songs for the next few lessons! yeah!
Drums book 2! :)
took these photos while studying with janet & pearlyn @ liang court..
it was an exhilarating experience we had there!
you can ask those 2 jokers if you wanna know more... HAHA!
*signing off*

had our cgm @ eunos this afternoon..
thks pearlyn for the cake! it's nice.. :)
aft which, i met up with melissa @ bukit batok to have our study session!
she was rushing the gp essay furiously! -.-
we studied till bout 10.30pm, and headed home after that :)

SYF is finally... and officially over! *roars*
SYF over = STUDY TIME increases!
the performance today was great!
really enjoyed myself throughout the day despite of the nervousness and anxiety that has been built upon for the past few months..
think some of us were quite disappointed when we heard about the results, as we were aiming for a gold initially..
nevertheless, i think the band did a great job today! PRESS ON!
took some photos with my section peeps before leaving sch.. HAVE A LOOK! :)
Ria & I
Me & Jolinne
Me & Idris
EUPHO SECTION! (love this effect!)
A proper one...
Jolinne, Ria & I
i'm gonna start counting down for MYE, prelims and 'A' lvls soon!! -.-

3 more days to SYF!
time really flies! jus 3 more days!!! OMG!
well, shall blog about ytd first..
dr steve munsey rocks man!
really love the drama he has put up for all of us in church ytd..
was really, really touched by his msg.. :)
aft the svc, i went to changi with gx..
had a sumptuous meal @ sakae..
take a look @ this huge bowl below!!
Half-filled.. -.-

The bowl is even bigger than his head sia!
started my day by waking up @ 5.20am in the morning doing songsheets!
first time man!
no idea why i'm super duper HIGH today.. :)
quite upset that i didn't play well for cgm today.. :(
hands kinda stiff (no idea what happened)..
well anw, for cgm, we did sth special..
all of us were asked to prophesy for another person..
kinda COOL!
it really shows how much faith you have in God, and how well do you move in the spirit, hearing from Him..
hope i'll do better the next time!
aft which, i headed for my piano lesson..
my teacher told me that i played well for the first time!
"weird", i told myself (can play piano well but not guitar).. hmmm...
so aft lesson, i headed to tiong to meet up with janet and pearlyn for a study session..
quite efficient! all thks to me! HAHA! (you can ask janet for the reason)
taken some photos while studying.. TAKE A LOOK! :D
Extra pair of hands -.-
That's the "owner" of the pair of hands..
First time lo.. HAHA!
Pearlyn's mugging..
ME TOO! ;)
guess this post is a lengthy one..
was telling janet too, that i'll post a long one tonight..
as my title for this post suggests, i feel that i'm BOOSTED once again!
during my several bus rides today, i did a lot of self-reflection sessions..
come to think of it, these few weeks haven't been a smooth-sailing one for me, due to the fact that there're lots of extra practices which lead to the upcoming SYF competition..
there's even not a break given during the labour day holiday.. -.-
pathetic, isn't it?! (but enjoyed it though, so it's still okay!)
haven't been fellowshipping with the cg peeps for these 3 weeks too..
gonna join them on this coming sat again! yippee!!
feel kinda drifted away from them.. haiz..
however, i'm determined to help unite this cg!
nothing is impossible to him who believes!
was inspired by what faji always says..
"if i can't change everyone, i'll change one person at a time"..
yeah, taking small steps instead of big ones at a time..
sometimes i'd ask myself..
"what do i really wanna do for this cg?"
and my reply would be "helping to change the lives of every individual in this cg"..
it comes with building relationship with the ppl, having commitment and the willingness to help these ppl..
certainly, there're times you'd feel extremely worn out..
that is the time when you should look up to God, and to ask Him for His divine strength..
this passion would soon be gone if nth is done!
an analogy would be in terms of mastering skills in instrument playing..
for example, i'm currently learning piano, drums and guitar (excluding eupho)..
while doing my self-reflections, i came to think about it, and realised that one thing which you can always do to ignite the passion once again is to find sth interesting that would boost your willingness in wanting to take up that instrument again..
like learning your favourite songs!!
same for the above scenario..
what is the ultimate aim in helping these ppl to grow in the kingdom of God?
it also applies to studies!
what is your ultimate goal in wanting to study hard?
getting a degree in uni? overseas studies? PhD?
whatever it is, all of us struggle in certain subjects!!
the most important question to ask ourselves will be "would you give up just like that?"
i've been constantly struggling with econs -.-
all this while, i've got this mentality that tells me there's no hope for me in taking this subject..
but my friends, this is the time that you have to make an important decision..
a firm stand telling yourself that "YOU CAN DO IT!"
fill yourself with whatever positive thoughts you can think of!
i can assure you that this works! :)
it just doesn't work if you're still sitting on fences..
hope that aft the competition, i'll devote more of my time in bucking up for this subject!

4:55 AM