Happy Early Birthday, MUMMY!!!
my mum's actual b'day is on the 29th, but she requested for an early one due to her yoga class on tue night -.- (though that's also a belated one cos of my exams on mon & tue) HAHA!
anw, i brought her to mt faber, the jewel box, to celebrate with her!
and first up... the cable car ride!!
let's see what we have here...

The birthday woman!!! WAHAHAHA!

Really enjoying herself! :)

A view taken from the cable car..

Mummy and I!

What a gracious smile we have on our individual faces!

Looks kinda tired here.. >.< (think it's due to the flash!)


Solo pic of my mum!
aft a slow ride, we've reached SENTOSA!
made our way down to look for any dining places..
during the walk, we encountered the.......... majestic MERLION!

And my mum insisted on taking a photo with it.. -.- haha!
so finally settled down at our dining place aft looking for it for nearly 30min!
what took us so long?!
cos we went up and down the 4 continuous escalators for 2 times as we couldn't find the place -.-


"While the food boils, let me quench my thirst first!"


The soup tastes really nice!!!!! (serious)
and aft the meal...
another walk up the 4 escalators!
took some photos along the way too!

TIRED! >.<

Random shot..

Introducing the parrots!!

Oooooh, so adorable!!

What on earth is my mum doing?! Hmmm..
took the cable car back to mt faber and booked a cab to drive us to vivo!
while waiting for the cabby, took some more photos!!

The Jewel Box

And with my mum in the photo..
wondering what are we going to do at vivo so late at night?!
of course is to have more food!!

Belgian Waffle Dream from Häagen-Dazs
and finally at bout 11.45pm, we headed home!

Real tired!! X.X
wanna thank my mum from the bottom of my heart for all that she has given to me!
no matter how hard it was, she'd definitely 'fight' for me till the end!!
whatever that i've asked her for, she'd - to her best ability - get it for me..
she has never demanded anything from me that is way beyond my reach!
her b'day gift this year? she didn't demand for any material gifts..
she just wants me to do pass my 'A' lvls well with flying colours!
i'm not gonna let her down this time!!
thank you once again for everything!
and most importantly, thank you God for blessing me with such a wonderful mum!! :D

woo~ was too tired to post ytd, so decided to post sth now.. =)
was out with andy ytd to have our study session @ anchorpoint..
but we spent nearly 2h talking about some interesting topics! -.-
kinda inspired and amazed when we talked about the change in ppl..
sometimes, we keep focusing on the weaknesses of ppl, thinking that he/she will not change at all..
then we start to gossip about that person, with all the negative thoughts in our minds rather than believing that the person would change by telling him/her about the truth..
this is exactly what our carnal nature is like!
we would rather 'aim' at their weaknesses rather than their strengths..
by doing this, we ourselves do suffer too!
why put ourselves in this state?
the matter of fact is that all of us are created differently!
if everyone was to be made the same, then what is this life that we're living for..?
it'd be dull and boring!! -.-
a true friend will point out your weaknesses, constantly believing in you that you will definitely change for the better!
is this the way that we are treating our friends now?
it's time that we ponder about this.. =)

Sentosa Outing @ Tanjong Beach!
yeah! what a great day to have an outing @ Sentosa!
went there with some ppl in w388, and 2 others from w427!
firstly, we settled our breakfast @ toastbox before heading down to beach station! :)
took the tram ride & finally decided to drop off @ tanjong beach!!
less ppl & more freedom! haha..
started with playing volleyball..
aft which, all of us headed to the water! COOLING~
took some photos of some nice views there!!
The clouds..
Another one..
we began to bury royston!
cos he lost the game and has to be forfeited!! ^^
and of course, it's his b'day on 22 june!
Poor Royston!
But he seemed to be enjoying himself!
of course not forgetting bing rong!
he really, really enjoyed being sun-tanned @ the beach!
"Hmm, my head is itchy!!!" *scratch*
finally, we left Sentosa @ bout 6pm with everyone being sun-burnt! -.-!
really painful! :(
HOWEVERRRRRR, we certainly enjoy ourselves there!!
hopefully we can organise another one in a few months' time!! :))

back from SoS!
had a real great time listening to pastor's preaching on "transforming love"!
the presence of God was awesome!
was very touched indeed :)
"God, I'm deeper in love with You!"
learnt that our bodies are broken so that everyone around us can benefit from it!
I'll keep moving on and keep serving the ppl around me with love!
PS: a random shot taken on the bus whilst my mum and I are on our way to jurong east on tue :)
kinda weird but i still like it!
love you lots! >.<

Celebrity Weekend
As promised!
The photos for Celebrity Weekend!
Take a loooooooooook! :)
Vivie & Liu Geng Hong
Ah Qin & Faye
Hmmm.. Forgot his name =x

Group photo taken together with them! :))
sry peeps, didn't manage to take photos of vanness, milk and other celebs.. :(

New Skin!
my new blog is up and ready!
still doing some editing to the page itself -.- (eyes popping out soon)
anw, had a great time ytd with xinyi & meiping @ celebrity weekend! :))
saw quite a number of celebs like liu geng gong, F.I.R. & vanness..
they ROCK!
shall upload the photos once i've transferred them into my desktop!
in the meantime, take a look @ this video! really HILARIOUS!

11:59 PM